On a scale from 1 - 10... Where do you
think YOU rank? Here are just
a few of some of my all time fav hotties! ;)
Number 1
Hottie : Tim Rusted
- Full Name: Tim James Behrendt Rusted
- Age: 16
- Location: Topsail Beach, Newfoundland
- Current Status: SINGLE
- Tid-Bits: Tim is a deadly swimmer,
and, although you don't get to see him face on, he's incrediably HOT! Hmm.. Now I wonder where he gets it from? Lol, just
kiddin babes :) And guess what!! :D Soon, he'll be able to drive by him-self! Ahh, it's a shame he's not allowed to drive
the mustang tho! Haha, xox!
- Score: 10! (just for you Tim ;) )
Hottie Number 2 : Kyle Thibodeau
- Full Name: Kyle Joseph Thibodeau
- Age: 16
- Location: Bathurst, New Brunswick
- Current Status: Single
- Tid-Bits: Kyle is a wicked swimmer, and is also WICKED hot!!
;) lol, he's in a band called 'Xantus', and enjoys, girls, computers and cars.
- Score: 8.5