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*°¤ ŧhL£¥ '§ PaGe ¤°*

This Is My ReTaRdEd Site ;)
(HoPe YoU lIkE iT!)

Life was so simple when boys had cooties. Those years deffinatly had to be some of the best years of my life. =) Everything was so simple when we were younger! None of these broken hearts and lost friendships over just a stupid boy.. =( 


Catch of the Month:


Nick: NICK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! We met up in Montreal at the Tri-meet!! And that's where we became engaged!! I AM SO MUCH BETTER THEN LACEY!! (I still loves you lace!) Remember the BED ORGY?! so HoT in there! Omg.. And don't forget the PuDdInG out on deck! That was so funny and so messy!! Oh my.. Nick's going to Grade 12 next year, he lives in P.E.I! ROAD TRIP NEXT SUMMER! Love you so much Nick! -XoX-


*°¤ LÅC£¥'§ PaGe ¤°*

*°¤ Lï§a'§ PaGe ¤°*


Current Mood:
Super happy (cloud nine!) but also confused about what to do next..


This is me :)
Don't I just look BOOT ugly? Lol

Oh my... Well what to say? Hi, and welcome to  *MY* page =) I don't know what else really to say so I guess I'll tell you a bit about me.. Well... I'm a competitive swimmer, and my last meet was Club Nats (A national swimming compitition..) about a month ago! I just finished my 4 week vacy from swimming but the season starts up again soon on Monday! Oh joy =)! Slash not! Haha...

This is me and Lacey :)
Omg we look SO bad in this pic! :)

What's New?
Well, I just celebrated my 16th birthday (August 9th) when I was up in Winnipeg for Club Nats. Got back and got my permit on - guess what.. Friday the 13th! Hmm, I wonder if that's a sign for anyone to stay off the roads? Lmao. I just finished doing my Nationals (Lifeguarding) and guess what... I passed! =D This calls for a celebration! Oh my.. Just finished the first week of my new school! Want details? Check out the link below!
*Please view the other half of my life at http://oinkylet.tripod.com/

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Classic Closeouts

*If your looking a page filled with just StUpId StUfF then please visit my other web-site at the above link in 'What's New?'*

"Yesterday, i got this funny feeling in my pants, I asked my mom, she said I was sick, I didn't feel sick" -Tim

(Haha.. Tim that was great!)


How may I ignore you today?



My boyfriend told me to pick between him and my friends... Damn! I'm gonna miss him =)


My names not elmo but you can tickle me anyways! Haha... But no spanking ;)


"Twat? What where!" - *Lacey


"Holy Ham!"


Haha - It's not just girl power anymore.. It's Pussy Power! ;)

Want to get in touch? You can send me an e-mail at:
